Joe Felix


Web Developer who wants to work with new people build their Brand

Who I am?

I'm Joe Felix, Full Stack Developer and a Programmer. I create websites in a new trend and I'm interested in working with new people.

What I do?

Frontend Development

Backend Development

UI/UX Design

Web Development in Python

I did

Weather Forecast

Weather Forecasting app using Open Weather API. This is my first ever project in API. I’m excited while doing this project also learned more about API calls.

Marks Calculator

Marks Calculator app using EJS templating and Expressjs. By building this app on my own, I learned a lot about EJS templating. Parsing the data from the form and processing the information. This will return calculated marks in well-tabulated format on a new page. It has a simple UI and it is very useful for the students to calculate their marks very quick.

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissor Game is a basic implementation of HTML CSS and Javascript. The game contains two players. Computer and Human. The computer plays the game by randomly choosing rock, paper, and scissors.

Netflix Clone

Netflix clone is built using Reactjs and Expressjs. It is built using TMDB API and a list of movies endpoints. To manage all the API calls, I used Axios to retrieve the movies list.

Instagram Clone

Instagram Clone is a fully functional Insta-Clone using MERN Stacks. React is used for the frontend and Nodejs for the backend. MongoDB is used as a database. Created a Rest API for creating new user, new post, and much more.

I Finished

The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp

September 2020

Web Development Bootcamp

January 2021